Project Divinas

Project Divinas

                  This is our story of Divination. A couple of years ago, a marvelously funny and adventurous woman, named Trina, started a small gathering with her closest friends. They learned of the moon and her many phases and how to channel the vitality of those phases into their [...]
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                                                   Vulnerability: what a tricky little son-of-a-bitch, huh?  It can feel terrifying and vivacious all at the same time. It's kind of like when you're not sure whether you're going to hurl, [...]
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Well, Hello, E.I.O.

                            E-I-E-I-OHHHHH   What a magnificent discovery! Unforgettable was the day I unearthed my ability—or talent I should say—to give myself the most precious gift. The Exercise Induced Orgasm Unlike any of the other wonderful methods of this treasured release, this approach is special. [...]
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Interstellar Ass, Anyone?

Damn, am I tired of hearing stories about men doing women wrong. The poor communication, the lying, the game playing–all of it. It’s exhausting. That is why I have decided to save myself for the inevitable alien invasion.  I will hump me an alien, no doubt. Some interstellar ass? Why not? At least when this jerk [...]
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“To me, a witch is a woman that is capable of letting her intuition take hold of her actions, that communes with her environment, that isn’t afraid of facing challenges.” –Paulo Coehlo  Women are magical Beings. Multi-dimensional creatures, we are. We love, we govern, we heal, we create art, life, love and home. Each one of [...]
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Co..mmiiii. Coooo miiittttt… Commitmmmm….   Ooooooooffff! Get you a glass of water, girl! You're gonna choke on that word!!  I was so terrified of this word, I couldn’t even say it.  It hardly existed in my vocabulary at all. If it somehow crept into my vocab arsenal, it was probably to judge or give someone else [...]
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