


Vulnerability: what a tricky little son-of-a-bitch, huh?

 It can feel terrifying and vivacious all at the same time.

It’s kind of like when you’re not sure whether you’re going to hurl, throw up or lose your shit—literally. What’s harder still is not just to share your rawest, wildest parts, but to OWN them.

As uncomfortable as it may be to rip your guts out for all to see. . .

 Courage and vulnerability are fucking super                                      powers, baby.

                Ican finally breathe.



Of course, this isn’t how I have always perceived this bold act. Being able to breathe and all. . .

Interesting thing begins to unfold in your life when you live it with more vulnerability. Back to that in a moment. . .

I spent most of my life, up into my mid-20’s, locked and loaded in survival mode. I was on my own. I was in a big city. Being resourceful and hardworking, yet sweet and seeing mostly the good in people, I was often a clear target. I didn’t attract the best of people. Still, those people taught me the most remarkable lessons of my life.

I learned to protect myself. I was deceived by people—which lead to the development and trust of my intuition. I learned to prioritize my needs instead of bending over backwards to please others. I also learned how to hustle and GO GET what I wanted out of life.

I learned these lessons young. Whilst most of my peers were in college, I was renting an apartment on my own by 19 and learning “life lessons.” The type that no school can teach you.

I also happen to have a not-so-sweet past with men and therein lies my biggest struggle to be a vulnerable woman. I’m referring to all interactions: male role models in my family, intimate partners, men in the different lines of work I’ve experienced and even daily interactions with men.

Now, they haven’t all been terrible. I happen to have some truly treasured, platonic relationships with male friends—some of which have become like brothers and I trust them with all of my heart. There is also my actual brother, who has been the most positive and inspiring male role model in my life. He is 9 years my junior.


With that said, I once viewed vulnerability as a weakness; an open door to let in the worst of life and the worst of people. So, somewhere in my ventures, I closed up and shut down. I didn’t allow people in anymore—even those that deserved it and needed it from me. 


   The unfortunate thing about this is, it would be many years before I would even realize and awaken to the fact that I                                                                        was doing this and suffering greatly for it.

Recently, I’ve undergone a major transformation that shone a light on the darkest places within me. I sat in amazement and sometimes heartbreak at what I’d resorted to in order to “survive.”

I could look honestly at the complicated relationship I helped to create with a man I was and still am absolutely crazy about. When, at those brief moments, I gathered the courage to take the lid off of me and expose myself or my feelings; it was immediately followed by the most elaborate marathon. Some cross-country, Forest Gump, shit.


Essentially, I ran for the hills.

I could not handle that wide-open feeling.

Now, I see my shit. I want to be my best and my most authentic. So, what does that look like now?

Ha! Fuck if I know. I’m living it daily. It’s messy and raw and miraculous and confusing and new and EVERYTHING all at once.

That man I mentioned above, the one I am mad for, he is still around. Now, he is experiencing the real, wild, me. He stuck around even when it came spilling out, scaring the hell out of me.

I am told this vulnerability thing calms down after some time of putting it into practice in your life.

We’ll see. I am not giving up. The plan is to make this apart of my being in a way that I don’t repress or hide who I am.


Signing off!

                           One Elegant, Raw, Vulnerable Woman