What a magnificent discovery!
Unforgettable was the day I unearthed my ability—or talent I should say—to give myself the most precious gift.
The Exercise Induced Orgasm

Unlike any of the other wonderful methods of this treasured release, this approach is special. It is free of hassle, heartache and undeserved appreciation. It doesn’t occupy much time, and you can achieve it all on your own whilst simultaneously taking care of your health!
Exercise used to be an escape for me, albeit one with a heavy dose of masochistic severity, sadly.
On the contrary, a gem presented itself to me in the darkness; see, it was actually my masochistic drive that inspired the rigorous workouts that lead to this breakthrough.
According to researchers Debby Herbenick, and J. Dennis Fortenberry, M.D., by way of, Medical News Today, the E.I.O. is most often reached via “… abdominal exercises, weight lifting, spinning/biking, and climbing poles or ropes.”
For me, that apparatus was Pilates.

At the start of my twenties, I became a Pilates Instructor. I was extremely passionate about the work and sharing it with others. I absorbed my studies on the anatomy and fell in love with the connection I flourished with my mind and body. I still believe it to be the most intelligent form of exercise.
It was here in this career pit-stop, that I found not only my core, but my confidence, an undeniable amount of self-love as well as my beloved “coregasm.”
I was in one of my exercise trances the day I happened upon it. I used to zone out during those excruciatingly long workouts. I trained like a goddamn Olympian. I never sought vanity or approval. Instead, Pilates was my haven, my therapy and a way to process—even if it was a bit extreme and excessive. It was also an outlet for some rage I was not yet aware of.
Interestingly enough, it was my rage that inadvertently lead me to this buried treasure.
I followed a fairly traditional Pilates repertoire. Most of the workout took place on the reformer, with some Pilates mat to kick it off. I’ll get straight to the point. I murdered my abdominals. Approximately 75% of my workout consisted of abs.
It was the hands in straps series, on the reformer, that triggered this magical experience. As seen in the photo, you lie on your back, brace your hands against the resistance in the straps and flex up into what’s called a “teaser.” Hee hee, yea.
When I met my deep pelvic floor muscles for the first time, I recall it being a profoundly powerful and exhilarating feeling. I still feel incredibly strong and very much like my body is an instrument and not just flesh, bones and muscles.
When I worked my instrument into a frenzy one day, all based on my strength and commitment to my health, I entered a euphoric, blinding, deafening utopic nirvana. Vivacious life energy was racing through me. My skin felt like it was sizzling. My heart was pounding. My breath was heavy. And I was wet and pulsating ALL over. It was electric.
I collapsed, dramatically, back onto the reformer in disbelief and intrigue.
“Did I. . .? Whooooo. Ok, gather yourself, there are people in the room.”
Oh, but I didn’t care. I had reached a magnitude of self-discovery that would alter my sexual awareness and self-awareness forever. And I had earned it all on my own.
Now, sure, I became a little indulgent over the months following my trip to the moon there, but I deserved it, damn it. I was single and I wasn’t hurting anyone. I even got to the point where I shamelessly did it with people working out right next to me. How the hell would they know what I was up to?

Perhaps the most beautiful element of the E.I.O. is truly getting the pure, unadulterated experience of your own unique energy and pleasure. While sharing intimate affairs with another is an act to be celebrated, the absence of a partner can be freeing as it eliminates the exchange of energy. It is all for you, from you.
Furthermore, should you embark upon an E.I.O. of your very own, I hope this journey brings you home to your body, immense confidence and personal power—as it did for me.
Signing off!
One Elegant, Orgasmic, Exercising Queen!