About That
“My Muse is slutty, but my life is chaste.”
Proudly unconventional in every way and plan to stay that way. Keep your linear paths to yourself.
I’m fiercely independent and sometimes kick myself for passing on all Sugar Daddies.
I have an odd benign tumor on my leg that I nicknamed Lolita and have blamed her for all mischief in my past.
I’ve always had an infatuation with the empowerment and sensuality of burlesque; so much so, that it became a bucket lister.
Finally, at age 37, I worked and rehearsed my ass off for a year, and then, I slayed that shit.
I’m obsessed with Carl Jung
I know thy Shadow self.
I am embracing my Anima and Animus.
I have a deep love for dark fantasy.
I love to spend my free time, lost in other worlds, filled with ridiculously handsome and horny fairies, wizards and Greek Gods & Goddesses.
I mean look at this guy. His eyes are violet. And I can deal with those ears. I bet he’s a good listener.
After it’s all said and done, I’m still waiting for the aliens to come and swoop me up.
While I’m waiting. . . I eat a lot of pasta, and love my cat & dog (shout out to Hades & Luna)!
Most importantly, I enjoy being me and wandering a path that only I can walk down. . . or skip.
Outside of my many passions and colorful work background, what I am truly proud of, is my everlasting desire to grow and expand.
I am a sassy, honest, feminine, sweet, inspiring, passionate and curious woman.
Every bit of my being is alive and kicking ass.
Wearing many hats, it’s my thing.
Writing. It is what I do.
Otherwise, I’d never shut the hell up.