
“To me, a witch is a woman that is capable of letting her intuition take hold of her actions, that communes with her environment, that isn’t afraid of facing challenges.”

–Paulo Coehlo

 Women are magical Beings.

Multi-dimensional creatures, we are. We love, we govern, we heal, we create art, life, love and home. Each one of us possesses unique, native talents. Mothers, daughters, wives, grandmothers, friends, Creatrix, Witch. The beauty of words, much like art, is you can interpret them in your own way; make them your own.

We Women are Powerful. 

can see why this power has been feared and misunderstood. I believe some, if not all of us, experience a time in our lives when we, too, fear our power. The more we embrace that power instead of resisting it or staying small, the more magick we create in our own lives as well as in the lives of those around us.

 I feared my own power for many years. 


I learned to hide it, suppress it, silence it. Sometimes I would sense things about people, and I did not want to be right about it. There were times when I would be overcome with an emotion that I did not have any reason or rhyme to feel.


Formerly, I felt shame for what other’s perceived as negatively weird. Now, I relish in my eccentricities and oddities. In need of a fresh, more empowered perspective, I used to feel as though my talents and my power were heavy burdens to bear.

 I come from a lineage of warrior women. 


My grandmother, Martha, had Native blood. She was a descendant of the Choctaw tribe. She passed when I was 16. On the day leading up to her passage, I cried uncontrollably for that entire day and I had no idea why.

Although we were all sad about the condition my grandmother was in, the tears seemed to be completely out of my control.  The intensity of emotion I felt, didn’t require my willingness in order to exert itself.

I was very connected to her in this life and, still, I  feel  connected to her. On occasion, I will pick up her scent. Gardenias. Gentle-scented white flowers; that is my grandmother’s scent.

I attend Pow Wow celebrations each year to foster that connection with her. The booming pound of the drum and the high-pitched wailing of the encircling Natives, during their tribes turn at the drum, always evokes profound emotions within me.

I not only feel my connection with her; I feel a mysterious pain from an entire race of people. Without fail, I cry at the beauty of the dance.

   The sheer reverence of the efforts put forward in preserving a culture’s spiritual richness, through ritual, is one of the                                                      most beautiful and meaningful things to bear witness to.

Presently, I have my mother, two sisters and four nieces.

We make Women in my family; strong, loving, powerful, gentle, magickal, expressive, empathic, beautiful women.

Generationally, the women of my bloodline weren’t living in times where this power could be fully realized and nurtured.

Many women silenced their voices to appease others or avoid consequences. I am grateful to live in a time when I am free to live on my own, discover my depth and be whomever I design myself to be.


Always having had a magnetic draw to the occult and ritualistic practices of spirituality, I began attending full moon circles.

It was hosted by a group of 4 sisters. I felt very comfortable with all of them. I learned many things from them. I witnessed huge transformations as we all gathered together to declare and manifest. I learned what it takes to build an altar, to speak my truth aloud so I could be held accountable.

    Most importantly, I observed and authenticated the                                       wielding of my power.

Deep truths in my life, as well as those closest to me, began to reveal themselves. Secrets that were withheld began to be voiced. My meditation became more attuned. I was more in harmony with myself. My purpose became clearer and so did my path toward it.


The changes and shifts in the lives of my sister witches was palpable as well.


I believe this word or title is the most open to interpretation. Self-defining what the word Witch means, for me, is a magickal broom ride. The wind blowing my hair wildly, my heart racing with uncertainty and excitement. It’s, at times, peculiar and enigmatic and others, undeniably beguiling. 

Being a Witch is knowing thy self, trusting thy self and harvesting deeper consciousness. It is spiritual, ethereal, and grounding.

My journey proceeds as I continue to cultivate and embody what this means and looks like. I host gatherings with women, I perform rituals on my own and I become more fluidly in sync with my intuition everyday. My growing intrigue has lead me, most recently, to herbs.

My most treasured trait of power is my intuition. 

I believe that once I truly honored my intuitive messages and trusted them, the more clairvoyant I became. It was only once I began to accept myself and paid very close attention to the way certain situations or people made me feel, inside, did I start becoming aware of what I was capable of. 

Now, because I revere my ability to intuitively assess my life and the world around me, it speaks with more clarity and I am in deeper communion with it. I am grateful for it.

Singing Off: